Intervención en el espacio publico.

Cocreadora y performer de acción en espacio público que tiene por objetivo memorar la ausencia de las personas asesinadas durante el estallido social en Chile el 2019. Actualizar la presencia de lo que no es posible desaparecer. Actos de Presente, es un gesto que se sitúa frente a la urgencia del gatillo fácil, ante la impunidad y la política del silencio.

Actions of Presence. Public space intervention.

I participated as co-creator and performer of an action that took place in public spaces, with the purpose to commemorate the absence of the persons murdered during the social upheavals that took place in Chile in 2019, to bring to the present the presence of what is no possible to disappear. Actions of Presence is a gesture that places itself as urgent in front of the easy use of the trigger, the impunity, and the politics of silence.