Given the significant percentage of teenagers who have misused prescription drugs, it is important to consider why teens are willing to experiment with prescription drugs? Given this strange new world, teens are looking more and more within the home as the place to access drugs. In the majority of homes, parents do not have a medicine cabinet lock. Thus, teens have easy access to many different types of drugs, and the possibility of theft of prescription medication becomes a real concern for parents and a danger for unknowing teenagers who could overdose.
Approximately 25% of teens have abused a prescription drug at least once. Prescription drug abuse among rural teens is more prevalent than those in urban areas. While it is becoming more difficult for teens to obtain opioids, nearly one-third of 12th graders reported they are easy to get. On average, 1756 teens will abuse a prescription drug for the first time each day. When we talk about the dangers of teen prescription drug abuse, the immediate risk to physical health cannot be overstated.
Teen Prescription Drug Abuse Statistics
Teenagers are at a stage where their brains are still developing, making them more susceptible to the harmful psychological effects of drug abuse. Medications like benzodiazepines, commonly prescribed for anxiety, can exacerbate underlying mental health conditions when misused. They can lead to increased symptoms of depression, anxiety, and in extreme cases, induce psychotic states.
If you or a loved one are dealing with drug use, contact Addiction Resource today to discover age-appropriate options. Look for signs that appear suddenly, drastically, and seem to contradict your teenager’s personality. is the U.S. government website that helps you create, maintain, and strengthen effective youth programs. Civic engagement has the potential to empower young adults, increase their self-determination, and give them the skills and self-confidence they need to enter the workforce.
Recreational Use of Prescription Drugs
Benzo withdrawal is one of the few forms of withdrawal that can be fatal, requiring medical supervision. There are numerous treatment programs tailored to help teens and their parents beat teenage drug addiction. These programs can address teen addiction rehab, ongoing recovery, and building a healthier home environment for the whole family. [free-assessment-form]When a doctor prescribes medications such as psychiatric drugs or painkillers, the patient is monitored closely for signs of addiction or other problems. If these substances are taken by anyone other than the patient, or if they are not taken exactly as prescribed, there can be unexpected and unintended reactions or consequences. Behavioral treatments can teach new patterns of thinking, help a person learn different ways of coping with uncomfortable emotions and also help them learn how to deal with cravings.
Pain medications after surgery should only be needed for a limited period. If medication is needed longer than that, a discussion and evaluation by a medical professional is necessary. Some teenagers think that because a drug is prescribed by a doctor, it is safer to use than illegal drugs. Prescription medications can be as addictive as any street drug, and when prescription drugs are used incorrectly, it can result in a variety of negative effects, including death. Teen prescription drug abuse is a growing concern that requires immediate attention from all stakeholders involved. The risks are severe and can lead to a cascade of problems affecting all aspects of an adolescent’s life.
Recovery Support Services
Spotting teen substance abuse can be difficult because some signs of drug use, including risk-taking behavior and mood swings, are also signs of normal teen development. Stealing medication from a medicine cabinet in their parents’ bathroom may feel like a rush to a teenager. At the same time, the theft of prescription medication doesn’t seem like as big of a deal compared to doing illegal drugs.
Talking about the dangers of prescription drugs is important, especially since many people think they are safe because they are prescribed by a doctor. Prescription drugs can still be dangerous when taken in a way that is different than prescribed or by someone the medication wasn’t intended for. When discussing the dangers and risks of drug abuse, be sure to approach your teen in a way that is honest, open and nonjudgmental. When it comes to teen prescription drug abuse, early intervention is crucial. Treatment programs specifically tailored for adolescents offer targeted approaches that take into account the unique challenges faced by this age group. Individualized therapy, family involvement, peer support, and educational programs are some of the comprehensive services provided.
Moreover, the risk of overdose increases as tolerance to the drug builds up, requiring larger and more frequent doses to achieve the desired effect. Combined with impaired judgment, this significantly raises the chances of consuming a lethal dose. The tragic reality is that overdose can happen suddenly, often without warning, making it imperative that abuse is identified and treated as urgently as possible. This isolation can be particularly damaging for adolescents, a phase in life where social interactions and forming meaningful relationships are crucial for emotional and psychological development. The loneliness and isolation can feed into the cycle of abuse, creating a vicious circle that is hard to break without professional intervention.
Opioids may be needed to treat pain from an injury, trauma or surgery. Ensuring that your teen is using the lowest dose of a drug possible to treat their pain can decrease the risk of addiction. Other pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil), may be effective for many teens with pain.
Teen drug abuse: Help your teen avoid drugs
Prescription drugs are controlled substances refined, produced, and distributed by pharmaceutical companies. All prescription drugs go through rigorous drug trials before becoming commercially available, and their production teen drug abuse and storage must adhere to strict guidelines set by the FDA. This means addicted teens stay home with their families during treatment and recovery. Opioids are prescribed to reduce the intensity of pain-signal perception.
Look for healthcare providers and treatment centers that serve adolescents. Both inpatient and outpatient treatment programs are available for teens. There is a definitive reason why prescription drug abuse in teens is on the rise in the United States and across the world. Prescription drugs are easier to access, more affordable, and foolishly considered to be safer in the eyes of a teenager.